Work Experience

Uber Product Designer on the Cartography team
June 2016 – Present | San Francisco, California

Development Seed Cartography & Programming Intern
Summer 2015 | Washington, DC
Development Seed is a web development shop with a penchant for maps that champions open data and open tools. While there, I did front-end design and development for a satellite imagery client, including wireframing, user workflow scenarios, and building out part of the user interface. I loved Development Seed's collaborative and JFDI culture, which allowed me to get involved in every aspect of the company, from design and development to recruitment and marketing.

UW–Madison Geography Teaching & Project Assistant
2014-2015 | Madison, Wisconsin
I developed course materials for an upper-level class to introduce students to HTML, CSS, and responsive design. As the TA for Interactive Cartography & Geovisualization, I taught students about making interactive maps and web design. It was pretty awesome. I also was a TA for the Introduction to Cartography class, teaching everything from data processing to map design.

CEELAT Director of Mapping
2011-2014 | Bogota, Colombia
CEELAT is a non-profit think tank that works on issues ranging from corporate social responsibility to renewable energy. I started up the Mapping Lab at CEELAT to bring mapping components to CEELAT's ongoing projects and create new opportunities. I managed all mapping projects, including geographic data collection, map design, and collaboration with web developers and outside partners. I hired several interns from a local university and taught them the latest in mapping technology, which they weren't getting from their school curriculum.

Restrepo Leather Co-Founder & Owner
2012-2015 | Bogota, Colombia & Madison, Wisconsin
I started up this handmade leather goods company with my husband, Jerry, while living in Bogota. We built the company from the ground up, including working with the local leather workshop to decide on products, setting up the online store, and coordinating logistics. The company is still going, but I just play a support role these days.
Technical Skills
Cartography & GIS
Mapbox Studio | QGIS | GDAL/OGR | ArcGIS | Blender | CartoCSS
Programming & Databases
Command line | JavaScript | Jekyll | D3 | Leaflet | jQuery | GitHub | Python | PostGIS
HTML | CSS | SASS | Bootstrap | Illustrator | Photoshop

University of Wisconsin–Madison Master's in Cartography & GIS
May 2016